You Should Pick a Yearly Theme

Don't make a resolution for the year to come; you will either accomplish it or feel guilt ridden if your life takes a turn. Instead try setting a yearly theme. (A concept I've adopted after listening to the Cortex podcast with Myke Hurley and CGP Grey.)

A yearly theme works simply: it's a loose idea to gather up all of your successes across the year. Want to explore a new hobby, try new foods and line yourself up for a promotion this year? Fly under the banner of "Year of Exploration," the "Year of Adventure," or whatever you'd like. The theme only needs to be relevant to you.

A yearly theme is at once, lattitude to explore what you’re focused in on—without being directly tied to one and only one outcome—and, crucially, an opportunity to forgive yourself. It’s easy enough to jump from I missed this resolution, to I’m not worthy. If you’re anything like me, the lizard part of your brain has spent years looking for evidence to prove it’s conclusion… not the other way around. Do note the yearly theme doesn’t write off failures and learning opportunities to “only focus on positives.” Each theme is just an idea, they don’t dictate anything at all, you’re the one who gives it all structure and meaning. All we know is through the years of human experience, resolutions don’t work, don’t stick and don’t make you feel any better… though your experience may differ.


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This is the weblog of the strangely disembodied TRST. Here it attempts to write somewhat intelligibly on, well, anything really. Overall, it may be less than enticing.