
Alternative web browsers scratch a strange itch for me. When I came across Browsh I was immediately sold: web standards aware text-based browsing from the terminal, including approximate support for images and video. Radical.

It depends on a recent install of Firefox to do the heavy lifting and slurps out all of the text to render natively in the terminal and a screenshot which it converts Unicode block and half-block characters to attempt to render layout and graphics. A clever, yet strange, solution to a problem I didn’t realise I wanted solved. Read the brief documentation to get a handle on how it works.


Nope. Don't worry about leaving them here, instead hit me up @TRST_Blog and share your thoughts.

What is this Place?

This is the weblog of the strangely disembodied TRST. Here it attempts to write somewhat intelligibly on, well, anything really. Overall, it may be less than enticing.