How Coincidences Shape Our Reality

Talk about serendipity. Today, I've been reminiscing about a long-dead podcast I used to participate in where my good friend Ryan and I would wax endlessly about, well, everything and nothing, honestly. Most of the time we spent arguing back and forth about what was real. Having those flashbacks, made me remember I had a queue of articles about experience and the brain that I have been meaning to post about.

While reading through these articles again, I am watching a television drama called Taboo. Tom Hardy’s character James Keziah Delaney, the protagonist of the story, is fighting the East India Company and the Americans for a tract of land in the Nootka Sound area (reasonably close to the area of Canada that I grew up in and a place I spent a lot of time in visiting relatives, for those keeping score). That's when I read this mind-expanding description of how the Nootka language shapes their perception of reality:

Some languages are structured around quite different basic word-categories and relationships. They project very different pictures of the basic nature of reality as a result. The language of the Nootka Indians in the Pacific Northwest, for example, has only one principle word-category; it denotes happenings or events. … The Nootka, then, perceive the world as a stream of transient events, rather than as the collection of more or less permanent objects which we see.

What a strange series of coincidences.


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What is this Place?

This is the weblog of the strangely disembodied TRST. Here it attempts to write somewhat intelligibly on, well, anything really. Overall, it may be less than enticing.